Built using the
at the time newly released .NET based Web500 CMS
Web500 wrote: ( captured by on 6 June 2002 ) :
4 June 2002
.NET Community Website for
The Danish Agency for Safety & Health, Arbejdstilsynet is implementing Community Website for international conference participants. The solution will be built on Web500 CMS Professional and implemented by Web500 partner Mondo A/S. This conference will establish a permanent network of experts in accident prevention and present an informal forum for the exchange of experience, new findings, and best practices in the global prevention of work-related accidents. The website will be linked to the European Agency for
Safety & Health at Work. The Network site will be used for on-going communication between participants, organizations, and projects, exchange of research results, and discussions of common problems in prevention. Participants will also be able to post information about themselves, their current activities, and publications on the site. They will also be able to update their personal information continuously via password protected access. |
Client: Arbejdstilsynet