MondoSearch Installations

Description from the MondoSearch manual:
MondoSearch is a powerful, highly intuitive web site search engine created with a focus on how an ordinary web user would think, not on how an IT specialist thinks. Unlike other search engines developed by technology-driven companies, MondoSearch was actually started as a product of a service company-a web agency called Mondo, which later spunoff Mondosoft. This differentiates MondoSearch from all other search engines on the market. With its service-oriented features, MondoSearch is more user-friendly, more flexible and capable of generating clearer and more useful search results.
Other search engines rely on search categories that are both technical and difficult to use, with results that are usually presented in long, random lists. With MondoSearch, it is possible to individualize the search process and to present search results in groups or categories that make sense to the user. MondoSearch presents the search results in logical categories based on the specific structure of a web site (product information, news, support, etc.). It is possible to define which type of media to search for (sound, pictures, multimedia, etc.), which language to use (if one doesn't understand Spanish, there's no sense in getting links with Spanish texts), and how the search results should be grouped according to date.
With MondoSearch, the search results will always be grouped to reflect the chosen search criteria. The most relevant groups will be at the top of the list and so will the most relevant individual entries within every group. MondoSearch is the only search engine that can handle web pages designed using frames, so it is able to integrate and function flawlessly with most present-day corporate web designs.
MondoSearch is available in two versions: An out-of-the-box solution and a remotehosted version. The out-of-the-box solution is a complete plug-and-play product that can be installed in less than an hour. Once they are up and running, both solutions provide the same features, including extensive graphic design options. Parts of the MondoSearch functionality are so unique that Mondosoft has filed for patent registration.
Installation Media
Client: Various Clients
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