Mondo A/S
Mondo A/S was a danish IT company founded in the 1990s and one of the first companies providing web solutions in Denmark.
Early version of Mondo's website ( captured by on 11 Nov 1996):
Early years of Mondo
Since internet access was not widespread in every household in Denmark, a compelling showcase was needed to demonstrate Mondo's capabilities and the types of websites it could deliver to customers. Consequently, the Danish movie review site was created very early on.
For its time, was quite advanced. During this period, most websites were primarily static, comprising of hand-written HTML pages and images., however, was built using a CGI program written in C and a custom database to serve dynamic web pages.
$-HTML Programming Language
The ability to create dynamic websites quickly became a necessity, and in those days, there were no very easy, widely available solutions targeting web development other than CGI/C programs and Perl. Consequently, Mondo developed its own programming language.
$-HTML name originated from the use of the dollar sign character
to indicate script blocks. Like other web programming languages of
this era, $-HTML script blocks could be embedded in the same files
as HTML markup, controlling the output of rendered HTML to the
browser. These source files were called mask files and used the
file extension .msk.
Microsoft was, of course, also building something similar to
$-HTML. Since it was known that percent (%) characters were to be
used to indicate script blocks, this was internally referred to at
Mondo as %-HTML until it was released as Active Server Pages
Code example:
<html> <head> <title>$$-HTML examp101.msk</title> </head> <body> $SET(Message, "World")$ Hello $Message$! </body> </html>
In the days before Google, finding information on the web was not as easy as it is today. In Denmark, the largest web portal was the Danish equivalent of Yahoo's link index, As websites grew in size, the need for search functionality to help users easily find information became apparent.
To address this need, Mondo built a general-purpose full-text search engine that could be easily integrated into any website, intranet, extranets, etc.
MondoSearch was developed using a combination of C and $-HTML and featured numerous advanced capabilities:
- Automatic deduplication of crawled content
- Language detection
- Document classification (link list, empty page, article)
- Automatic detection of site navigation elements
- Robot.txt and custom crawling rules
- Indexing of sites using HTML frames
- Customized ranking
- Search page custom branding and styling
- ... and a lot more
Eventually, MondoSearch was spun off as a separate company,
and MondoSoft was established, while Mondo continued as Mondo
Solutions, delivering web solutions to customers.
Later years
Mondo Branded Merchandise
Mondo Offices Lyngbyvej
Mondo Offices Bådehavnsgade